Join us for CCEJ’s 2025 Roots of Justice Convening

Friday, February 28th, 2025 from 8:00AM - 3:30PM at The Grand in Long Beach

Join CCEJ for a day of dialogue, learning, and reflection on taking action for justice and equity in our communities. The Roots of Justice Convening will be a full day opportunity for dialogue, learning and reflection. Our keynote speaker is Jenan Mohajir with Interfaith America. Join us for meaningful conversations and workshops geared towards building bridges in divided times.

Solidarity Sponsors

Morning Schedule

8:00am - 8:30am - Community Coffee and Networking

8:30am - 10:00am - Breakfast Program with Keynote Speaker: Jenan Mohajir

10:00am - 10:15am - Break & Speaker Meet n’ Greet

10:15am - 11:45am - Morning Workshops

Thank you to our Roots of Justice Sponsors!

This event has been generously sponsored at the Signature level by

Ann Lentzner and the Lentzner Family

Hope Sponsors

Rosecarrie & Dr. Alan Brooks

Susan Stuhlbarg

Justice Sponsors

Jack & Binnie Berro & Family

Cross Family Fund

Lynne Pillsbury

Jill Rosenberg

Suzanne Vachon

Afternoon Schedule

11:45am - 12:45pm - Lunch & Resource Fair

12:45pm - 2:15pm - Dialogue Groups & Workshops

2:15pm - 2:30pm - Break

2:30pm - 3:30pm - Youth Voices & Closing

Unity Sponsor

Equality Sponsors

Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker

Jenan Mohajir

Vice President of External Affairs | Interfaith America

Jenan Mohajir is an educator, a storyteller, a mother, and a believer in building relationships across the lines that separate us. Jenan currently serves as Vice President of External Affairs at Interfaith America, where she has developed & implemented long term strategic plans, created innovative programs, and forged collaborative partnerships with philanthropic leaders and foundations. In her 18 years of leadership at IA, Jenan has trained hundreds of young leaders from diverse backgrounds to foster a vision and practice of civically engaged leadership. Jenan is deeply inspired by the stories from her family and her faith to create change at the intersections of gender, sexuality, race and religion. As a natural storyteller, she performs with 2nd Story, Chicago’s premier storytelling company. Jenan proudly lives on the south side of Chicago with her children and loves to collect vintage children’s books.

2024 Roots of Justice Breakfast and Convening - A Success!

CCEJ’s March 2024 Breakfast and Convening brought 300 community members together for a day of learning, dialogue and reflection in service of making our community more just and equitable. 

Our breakfast keynote speaker was Dr. Anthony Ocampo, Ph.D., a Professor of Sociology at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Our afternoon speaker was Sterling De Sutter Summerville, Founding Director of De Sutter Summerville Consulting.

For a digital version of the program book, click here.

History of the Event: Since the 1990’s, CCEJ has hosted an annual community Breakfast, known throughout the years as the “Interfaith Breakfast” and “Interfaith Intercultural Breakfast” to bring people of different identities together and share in the vision of a truly inclusive community. Over the past several years, in response to community requests for a more in-depth experience, CCEJ broadened our annual event to an all-day convening, with dialogue groups and workshops to spark individual “a-ha” moments in service of personal and institutional transformation.