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CCEJ Love Day

Join CCEJ on June 8 to celebrate Love!

June is a meaningful month for love in our communities -  of course it’s Pride Month, celebrating LGBTQ people and queer love.  Also, Loving Day on June 12th commemorates the legal case of Loving v. Virginia, when the 1967 Supreme Court made interracial marriage legal in the U.S.   

To uplift the power of love as a force for justice, we’re hosting a CCEJ Love Day celebration in Long Beach.

Plans are in the works for a community park day complete with cookout, games, arts n’ crafts, and live music and spoken word.  All are welcome, including kids!

Attendance is FREE. 

RSVP Here:

May 9

Community Building Facilitator Training Day 2

June 20

Summer Youth Leadership Institute Retreat (SYLI)